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Royal Enterprise Consultants Int No Trustpass Free member

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Royal Enterprise Consultants Int - last active on 15 June 2008 at 17.12 Last active: 15 June 2008 at 17.12
Royal Enterprise Consultants Int's rank: 1181 Company's rank: 1181
Royal Enterprise Consultants Int - Parent company Company type: Parent company

Business type: Agent/Broker ›› Cement & concrete
Company introduction: Our firm has been founded at 2003 for the purpose to give consulting, education and mediation services to native and foreign companies at the subject of export and import profession.
Our firm, keeping experienced export and import experts in its body, has the goal to give the best service to our customers, by using our data base including buyers and sellers, and meet our customers business offers to the other customers who wants to buy and sell their products and materials.

Our firm also gives supervising and schooling service over export and import; consistently watching the changes and developments in the export and import
administrations at the market and so continue to our work by eliminating failures.

Our firm gives business consulting service to the companies that are new at the export import business about the procedures from "A" to "Z" and also do business with them.
Year established: 2003
Company services: We are a direct seller. We are one of the top ten suppliers of cement in the world. We supply clients with OPC cement around the world. Our cement is produced in 65 plants in the Middle East and Europe. We currently account for about 7% of the total cement sales world wide. Real cement suppliers who have available production and the ability to supply are hard to find. I realize you get alot of emails from so called suppliers offering cheap prices but when it comes down to performance they seem to disappear. We are a real supplier and we do have available production. We also complete any contract we enter and agree to. Cement world wide is in short supply and current demands are high all over the world. The large producers that account for 80 percent of the world supply are in a sold out position and are buying cement on the open market to fill orders.
Legal representative/CEO: Available to subcribers only
Main markets: Russia and CIS, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East, Far East Asia, China, North America, Cenral America and the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, Oceania
Number of employees: Less than 5 people
Annual sales range: 50 - 100 million USD
Member's name: Available to subcribers only
Member's job title: Managing Director
Trade leads: Not available

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